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Today while I was driving home from the park I saw a bumper sticker on the back of a car that said, “IT IS WELL with my SOUL” Words from an old hymn that goes, “When PEACE like a river attendeth my way, (OR) when SORROWS like sea billows roll. Whatever my lot thou hast taught me to say IT IS WELL, IT IS WELL with my SOUL”. The key message here being that in times of PEACE or in times of SORROW I have learned that ALL IS WELL. All is GOOD. EVERYTHING is going to be OK. The deepest concept of UNCONDITIONAL TRUST and KNOWING your WELL-BEING, no matter WHAT the circumstances are around you. The first time I heard the phrase 'deep trust' was from a post by Ashmi.Path on instagram. If you don't follow her, make sure to check out her posts. She is just an incredibly insightful channel who is really tapped in. When I contemplated this idea of DEEP TRUST it occurred to me that when you take it to the deepest level, this truly is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Unconditional TRUST in oneself, in the Universe, God, Creator, whatever you want to call that energy that binds us all together. That is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. You are NOT requiring you life to LOOK a certain way, FEEL a certain way or BE a certain way. You are JUST LOVING. Period. You are JUST TRUSTING. KNOWING and UNDERSTANDING at the DEEPEST LEVEL of your Being that ALL IS WELL. So what does that mean PRACTICALLY speaking. What does it look like to have DEEP TRUST, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE? What it means is that you KNOW that no MATTER what is happening around you, ALL IS WELL. Are good things happening? ALL IS WELL. Are unwanted things happening? ALL IS WELL. Are you missing some of your greatest desires? ALL IS WELL. Are you sick or in pain? ALL IS WELL. But, how can that BE? If I'm not WELL. HOW CAN IT BE WELL??? Because when you come to a place of DEEP TRUST / UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, you KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are ALWAYS guided. You are ALWAYS loved. You are ALWAYS on your way to the experiences you want to discover in your life. EVEN when it doesn't LOOK, FEEL or SEEM that way around you. It is the ULTIMATE letting go. The ULTIMATE surrender. The ULTIMATE understanding of what it means to BE in a STATE of LOVE. And when one FINALLY BEcomes that STATE of BEING in DEEP TRUST or UNCONDITIONAL LOVE that is when the world starts to open up to them. My friend Nancy posted a comment on one of my recent energy posts about how she was feeling in such a state of GRACE and UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. She described it like being SAFE on the porch during a game of kick-the-can. I loved this analogy. That feeling of KNOWING, JUST KNOWING you are in a STATE of GRACE. A state of SANCTUARY. That nothing harmful can really happen to you. So you might ask WHAT if something HARMFUL IS HAPPENING??? Then what? Being in a state of GRACE, or DEEP TRUST or UNCONDITIONAL LOVE reminds you that NOTHING can TRUYLY HARM YOU! You are a SPIRITUAL BEING FIRST AND FOREMOST and EVEN AFTER this PHYSICAL BODY passes the SPIRIT ESSENCE of WHO YOU TRULY ARE moves forward and expands into the GREATER BEingness of your SPIRITUAL SELF. With that understanding NOTHING can harm you. AND the SPIRIT BEING that YOU TRULY ARE is SAFE and SECURE in that state of GRACE, DEEP TRUST and UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. On Tuesday night I will be sharing techniques to help one come into a deeper state of TRUST and UNCONDITIONAL LOVE in order to help you OPEN UP to the DREAMWEAVER MANIFESTATION VORTEX that will be opening up this week. You will learn the concepts of learning how to connect into the UNCONDITIONAL LOVE of your inner BEingness, that is who you really are at your core, the ability to SEE with the EYES of LOVE, the ability to SPEAK and ACT only through the SEED of the HEART of LOVE and how that combination of POWERFUL energy will help you to BEGIN MANIFESTING THE LIFE of your DREAMS! Tickets are required, but are PAY WHAT YOU CAN AFFORD and are available for both IN PERSON and ONLINE. You may visit my website or text me directly for information about these tickets. I'm really looking forward to bringing this message and energy through!

Big Hugs & Aloha,

Brian Borell – Spirit Speaker

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